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The Question

How can I prove I passed the Research Skills class (LIBR 901, 902, 903)?

Our Answer

You'll find directions in your course, but for convenience, here they are:

If you are taking this class because your instructor requires you to pass it, here is a way to share your grades with your instructor. When in doubt, it's best to check with your teacher to see if this is how they would like you to report your scores.

  1. First, arrange your grades by Assignment Group, which will put all the graded quizzes at the top of the assignments. (See image below). All of the other "assignments" in this course have no grades at all.
  2. Take a screen shot or a photo of the Grades page
  3. Save your screenshot or photo and email it to your instructor, or upload the image to your course's Canvas shell (if your instructor created an Canvas assignment for this).

Please note: In the example below, it says "Grades for Test Student." Your name will appear in place of Test Student. 

It also says "N/A" for the total (on the right side of the image). Your total, reported in a percentage, will appear there.

Grades page without Post Test.png



Susan Cassidy

Research Librarian

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