Browse FAQs:
Text: (209) 710-5270
Thanks for your question. I'll show you how to find books and other types of sources available to you.
1. Use MJC Library catalog to find books. The catalog shows you what we have and where we keep it. For your topic, I recommend you type in aztecs. Now, depending on what you want to focus you could be more specific. For example, aztecs history or aztecs customs.
2. Use Articles & Databases @MJC to find articles, book chapters, research reports and more on your topic. For your topic, I highly recommend the following databases:
I've linked to the Articles & Databases @MJC page below.
As you develop your focus for your paper, please ask more questions as they come to you.
I've included a video below that shows you how to navigate our Articles & Databases page.
Iris Carroll, Librarian