Browse FAQs:
Text: (209) 710-5270
In each class, your instructor will give you a syllabus telling you about the class; this will include a list of textbooks and other materials you will need for the semester. If you want to know which textbooks will be used before the semester begins, you can always go to the MJC bookstore's website. Click the Schedule of Classes. Select your term in the left box, then the department, then the course number, and finally the section. Click the "Books" hyperlink. This will take you to MJC bookstore's website. You can now see which textbooks are required and which are recommended. You can also see the price of the items and whether they are available new, used, or both.
Remember, many instructors leave a copy of their textbooks with the library's reserve desk. Most of these books check out to students for two hours. You can read them, of course, but many students photocopy a chapter or even take photos of the pertinent pages with their smart phones or tablets. To see if the library has the book you need, go to MJC Library & Learning Center homepage and click Textbooks on Reserve.