Browse FAQs:
Text: (209) 710-5270
Any time you want to find journal articles for a research project at MJC, you'll want to start with the Articles & Databases @MJC page (linked below).
When you get to that page, you see a box that says "Pick a Database to Get Started." This box contains our most popular databases. We always recommend that if you are just starting your research, you begin with the Databases for Background Reading.
Under that box, you'll find a our databases arranged by Subject, Type, and Name. Using the drop-down menus, you can pick the broad subject of your research (like Business & Careers), the Type of database (like video), or search for a database by name. Each database listed has a brief description so that you can pick the right one or ones for your project.
Remember, that if you are connecting to library databases from off campus, once you click on the database name, you'll be asked to login using your student ID and password just like you do for Canvas or email.